Sunday, July 17, 2011



I've been trolling the youtubes and discovered something awesome. For the first time in a long time, I discovered music that is exciting. It is raw, full of energy, emotion and humor. The best equivalence I can make is it reminds of early punk. Lo-fi. Gritty. Accessible to anyone with a guitar and a desire to share their words with the world.

It's called Antifolk.

Here's a sampling. It includes two documentaries.

Stay inspired!

Voice One Oy

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Get an EDGE


It's not often that I think David Brooks of the New York Times has something worth discussing. However, I will give the man considerable credit for his insightful opinion piece about the recent EDGE symposium.

The concept of the EDGE symposium is simple.
1. Provide a compelling question.
2. Draw on as many different thinkers as possible.

This year's question was proposed by Stephen Pinker: "What scientific concept would improve our cognitive tools?"

The results were fabulous. Here are a few results:

Evgeny Morozov, the author of “The Net Delusion,” nominated the Einstellung Effect, the idea that we often try to solve problems by using solutions that worked in the past instead of looking at each situation on its own terms. This effect is especially powerful in foreign affairs, where each new conflict is viewed through the prism of Vietnam or Munich or the cold war or Iraq.

Daniel Kahneman of Princeton University writes about the Focusing Illusion, which holds that “nothing in life is as important as you think it is while you are thinking about it.” He continues: “Education is an important determinant of income — one of the most important — but it is less important than most people think. If everyone had the same education, the inequality of income would be reduced by less than 10 percent. When you focus on education you neglect the myriad of other factors that determine income. The differences of income among people who have the same education are huge.

Stay inspired!

Voice One Oy

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Comedian/Musician of the week: Reggie Watts


Thought I'd share a comedian/musician I just came across. Fantastic. He's a one man show -- vocals over beat box with sort of stream of consciousness comedy. A bit hard to classify this one.

I'd recommend checking out his other videos, but warning: NSFW.

Stay inspired!

Voice One Oy

Monday, November 15, 2010

Fake Science


I'm always amazed when someone hits upon a great new idea. "Wish I had thought of that!"

The folks at Fake Science have done just that. Provided you learned something in science class at school and do not disavow evolution, you will catch the comedy gold here:

Stay inspired!

Voice One Oy

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Comedy: Patton Oswalt and Dave Burbank


To celebrate Halloween, I'm posting a choice clip from one of my favorite comedians--Patton Oswalt. He's fairly well-known for his supporting role on the King of Queens and as the voice of the rat in Ratatouille. However, he's also known for his biting, sarcastic, and darkly funny stand-up comedy. Here is a bit about Dave Burbank and living in the suburbs for Halloween.

Warning: NSFW!!
Patton Oswalt - Dave Burbank
Read Patton Oswalt's biographyWatch Patton Live at the New York Comedy FestivalFind more from this comedian in the Shop.

Stay inspired!


Voice One

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Music of the Week: The Bad Shepherds


I've got a wicked treat for you this week.

Everybody knows Adrian Edmondson, one half of the comedy violence duo that was Bottom, the Young Ones, the Dangerous Brothers. (The other half being of course, Rick Mayall (genius!)) Never satisfied with leaving a legacy of comedy gold -- Eddie has embarked on new endeavor that left me with a grin from ear to ear.

Having bought a mandolin on a lark, he started learning to play songs he liked. What songs came first -- punk! He calls a mate they work out a few more. Thus, the Bad Shepherds were born. Punk classics played on traditional folk instruments. Again, creativity -- finding something completely new by melding two seemingly different things.

Here they are doing the Clash's 'London Calling'. Enjoy!

Stay inspired!


Voice One